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来源:中国组织工程研究 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-09-16
摘要:背景:组织工程的发展具有极大的社会意义及经济意义,了解中国在该领域的研究实力,能够为相应的发展策略制定提供参考。 目的:评价中国在组织工程领域的基础研究实力。 方法



方法:采用MESH 主题词联合自由词在PubMed 数据库中检索组织工程基础研究论文和顶尖论文。以全球为背景,基于论文数量、论文数量增速和顶尖论文数量及占比,从基础研究规模、增速和质量等角度分析中国在组织工程领域的基础研究实力。另外,通过论文量多少判断中国与全球的研究热点子领域。

结果与结论:①组织工程领域发文量排名前5 位的国家依次是美国、中国、日本、德国和英国,中国在该领域的论文总数达17 031 篇,仅次于美国;②中国论文数量的年复合增长率为19.9%,顶尖论文数量为195篇,在前5 强国中分别排首位和末位。中国8 家机构的发文量进入全球前30 位,其发文量平均增速为21.2%,显著高于全球前30 位机构的平均增速14.2%(P<0.001),但中国机构的顶尖论文产出较少,顶尖论文比例显著低于前30 位机构平均水平(2.0%,5.2%,P=0.002);③从学者来看,中国有5 名研究者的发文量进入全球前25 位;④中国在组织工程领域的研究集中在骨和软骨、神经、肝脏、皮肤、心脏及眼等子领域,与全球一致;⑤结果显示,中国在组织工程与再生医学领域的基础研究竞争力强,规模大且增速快,已积累了一定数量的顶尖研究成果,但比例仍较低;众多中国机构和中国学者在组织工程与再生医学领域基础研究竞争中跻身全球前列且发展势头强劲,顶尖研究成果数量仍有上升空间;建议在重视转化和临床需求引导的情况下注重材料科学等基础学科的发展,为组织工程领域发展奠定基础。


BACKGROUND:The development of tissue engineering is of great social and economic the current status of basic research in this field can provide reference for developing corresponding development strategies.

OBJECTIVE:To evaluate China's basic research current status in the field of tissue engineering.

METHODS:A computer-based online search of Pubmed was performed to retrieve basic research papers and top papers in the field of tissue engineering using search terms MESH terms AND free-text word.In the context of global background, China’s ability of basic research in the field of tissue engineering was analyzed based on the number of papers, the growth of the number of papers, the number and proportion of top addition, the number of papers was used to identify the global research hotspots in the field of tissue engineering.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The top five countries in the field of tissue engineering were the United States,China,Japan,Germany and the United total number of papers in this field published by Chinese scholars reached 17,031,second only to the United compound annual growth rate of the number of papers was 19.9%,and the number of top papers was 195,ranking first and last among the top five countries, Chinese institutions ranked top 30 in the number of papers in this field,with an average growth rate of 21.2%,far higher than that of all the top 30 institutions in the world(21.2%vs.14.2,P<0.001).However,Chinese institutions produced fewer top papers as compared to other top institutions,with the proportion of top papers significantly lower than that of the average level of the top 30 institutions(2.0%vs.5.2%;P=0.002).There were five Chinese researchers whose total publications entered top 25 of the 's research in tissue engineering focuses on the areas of bone and cartilage,nerves,liver,skin,heart and eye tissue engineering,which is consistent with the global 's basic research in the field of tissue engineering ranks second in the world and expands rapidly in recent years.A number of academic institutions and individuals with great achievements have ,China's research quality in this field is relatively low as compared to other top is suggested to guide researchers to pay more attention to the quality and transformation of research output,and to support the development of basic subjects such as material science to lay a good foundation for the development of tissue engineering in China.

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文章来源:《中国组织工程研究》 网址: http://www.zgzzgcyj.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0916/652.html


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